We all know about the feeling “what goes around comes all the way back around”. It’s so easy. You do someone a favor. Maybe you give someone some cent for free, because he or she need the small money to buy a ticket on the ticket machine.Or you give an elder person your seat in the bus. Even a smile can make a big difference for someones day. Look at this video and you know what i mean.
What goes around, comes around
Scientific view of morality
Scientists were looking in a study at the morality of people. More than 1250 people from USA and Canada in the age between 18 to 68 got five times a day a text message over a periode of three days.
Participants were asked about a moral or immoral act in the last hour before the message. Participants could do it self, were target or wittness or learned about a moral act. They had to rate the special moral emotion they felt at this moment. The scientist received around 3 800 answers to moralic cases. The paticipants had special symbols for rating feelings like about guilt and disgust and the level of happiness and sense of purpose. In a short text participants described the act.
The answers were categorised in 8 classes like fairness, honesty, liberty, loyality.
One of the findings from this study was, it doesn’t matter what kind of religion the people prefer. People commit to do moralic and immoralic act in the same volume, independent from there religion. This finding could shaking the fundamental roots of religions. Do we need religions to act moralic?
The kind of moralic acts had a big impact for the happiness of the participant. The biggest happiness occoured for participants when they were the aim of a moralic act. Participants felt the most sense for selfmade moralic acts.
Around 3% of the people which received moralic advantage tend to do a small act of rudeness at the same day. The scientist said this people gave them self a “moral license” to do so. Like they have an balance of good and bad moralic acts and tend to go in moralic balance.
Recipients of moralic acts of kindness tend to do some moralic kindness later at the same day. 10% above the average did it in this way, the study found. The scientist called this behavior “moral contagion”.
My “two cents”
Do you remember the video above?
What goes around, comes around!
With this scientific based knowledge of influence we are able to impact our wellbeing.
Do good for the people around you and it will come back.
Try to avoid to give away the bad behavior because it will come back too. When you do good for others you feel good for yourself. That’s doubles your behaviour. You may know this quote from Albert Schweizer:
“Happiness is the only thing that will double when you share it”
I want to add there are more positive feelings out, which will double, triple or more when you share them. You can share love, joy about success and other positive emotional feelings. Even your smile you can spread while you share it with others.